Laura Mvula may be singing to the moon again. This Diva’s story is fraught with ups and downs, Critical acclaim, masterpieces and record label mistreatment. From those trial the brave Mvula has released “Pink Noise” – “the album I have always wanted to make” she states. She becomes a dancing machine on this collection of 80’s dance-vibe songs. Mvula take on the 1980’s is shameless in its celebration of dance, bass, Michael Jackson to Grace Jones, all framed by her stellar soprano. The songs are fun and funky, Mvula is a fine songwriter and the freedom and turns she takes on “Pink Noise” are proud and personal.
FKA Twigs Caprisongs
Pink Noise
Be Right Back
Call Me A Fool
A Stunning Third Album
What's Your Pleasure
Through Water
Can't Stop Spinning
A Creative Sensation
Norman Fucking Rockwell
Arresting Style and Substance From Young Jojra Smith
'Cause it's Missy.